I love storms.
Which is just as well, as there's a monster howling against the windows right now.
There's a sense of Mother Earth baring her teeth and reminding us that we're here only because she allows us to be here. There's something primal about being reminded that civilization has a very thin veneer, and it wouldn't take a huge amount of effort on her part to whip it away.
Storms give me a sense of my place in the world. I feel a strange sense of peace when the elements are showing me exactly who's in charge.
I finished seeing my clients early today so I decided to surprise my husband at work with a coffee (he's an Emergency Department nurse). This took me down an unfamiliar road. The storm was still a few hours away, and ragged clouds whipped across intense, low sunshine. Twisters of red leaves exploded in the squall. Light and dark chased each other across a sky brimming with unspilled rain.
I could barely breathe with the beautiful drama of it all.
It felt like a joyful synchronicity with the storm of emotions I experienced about Finian over the last few days. Nature was performing the age-old play of finding beauty in chaos, using the sky as a stage.
Yesterday I wrote about the guilt and pain I feel about needing respite from Finian. The responses I received, in public and private messages, were humbling and raw and humanizing.
We're all in the storm. And there's something kinda thrilling about that.
Ahhh the storm analogie is magical fully agree mother nature totally whips us into shape. We are such tiny specs upon earth within a whole universe of billions and trillions of stars 🌟
ReplyDeleteTiny but huge at the same time. I don't think our tiny human brains can handle the enormity of existence. But it's fun ti speculate xx