Monday, 22 November 2021

Autism & Spam

I'm deep in the trenches of writing assignments, so naturally I'm procrastinating like a boss.

Yesterday I cleaned out the fridge.  I'm eyeing up the windows with dangerous intent.  Even the ironing has become attractive.  

In a desperate attempt to avoid firing up my laptop, I was consumed by the urgent need to clean out my spam box (at this point I need to apologise, as I can't say "spam box" without sniggering like a twelve year old boy..... is it just me, or does it sound deliciously rude???).


So far, I've been informed (with honour and respect) that I've inherited $30 million.  Sadly, they'll only give me part of it.  I'm not sure why.

I discovered that bitcoin is still a thing.

URGENT ACTION is required as someone tried to HACK my account.  No need to shout.

I've been offered a gun.

Keto diet.  Yawn.

Some poor girl claims her life is empty and she's hungry for sex.  I was gonna make her a ham sandwich, but whatever. 

Total radio silence from my Nigerian prince.  Sad face.

Kredit now!  Life hack...... never get a loan from a bank who can't spell.

An EXCLUSIVE invite to a naked exercise club.  Just.  No.

Is this what the world is like for someone with autism?  An assault of uninvited, mixed messages, most of which are lies?

I'm lucky I have a spam box (def not laughing) to filter out the acres of drivel  that gets flung in my direction.  Finian has to sift through every damn piece of sensory input that assails him.  

It's no wonder that by the evening he's pacing and crying like a 6ft 3 Doppler Effect of Overwhelm.  I wonder if his constant need to watch cartoons is an attempt to drown out the cacophony of incoming sensations he hasn't invited?  Or that he comes to me wanting cuddles and a good cry?

Autism must be unthinkably exhausting. 

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