I have Finian's head wrecked.
The whole object of parenting is to produce functional adults who will eventually leave us. That part sucks, but it's how the gig works.
I know Finian will never live independently, but I want him to live as independently as possible. So I give him jobs to do that challenge him a little, like unloading the dishwasher and changing his sheets. Hopefully this will deepen his self-trust so that he can tackle more complex things in the future. I try to help him develop confidence in his own abilities, safe in the knowledge that he can come to me for help if he struggles. My hope for him is that he will have the courage to move further and further from my safety net. That he will develop a sense of safety within himself and within the world. This is where creativity and personal growth flourishes.
Like any self-respecting teenager, he resists like crazy. He becomes deeply engrossed in his toenails, or urgently needs to watch an episode of The Power Puff Girls, or becomes strangely deaf. Sadly for him, he's my third kid so there's no get-out-of-jail-free card. I've heard all the excuses, and none of them fly.
Then, I had one of those light-bulb moments when I realised that I'm going through the same process. As epiphanies go, mine wasn't as poetic as Saint Paul falling off a horse and being blinded by the divine light of God. I think I was scrubbing skid-marks off the downstairs toilet wearing a pair of marigolds at the time. While sweating like a mare through a menopausal hot flush (I suspect God doesn't like women very much.... he definitely seems to favour saints on horses).
Anyway, I'm also learning to be my own safe space in therapy..... which is pretty much what I'm trying to teach Finian. I had a happy little nerdgasm when I realised there's a parallel process going on. It doesn't take much to please me.
Helping Finian to become a functional adult won't be let slide just because he's autistic. I expect him to become all he is capable of becoming...... including creating inventive excuses to dodge housework.
somebody call Child Line |
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